Person: translation

Discusses (1) the definition of 'person', especially with reference to the doctrine of the Incarnation; and (2) the use of the word 'persona' and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes.

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Person
    The Latin word persona was originally used to denote the mask worn by an actor. From this it was applied to the role he assumed, and, finally, to any character on the stage of life, to any individual. This article discusses
    (1) the definition of "person", especially with reference to the doctrine of the Incarnation; and
    (2) the use of the word persona its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes. For the psychological treatment see PERSONALITY.
    (1) Definition
    The classic definition is that given by Boethius in "De persona et duabus naturis", c. ii: Naturæ rationalis individua substantia (an individual substance of a rational nature).
    Substantia — "Substance" is used to exclude accidents: "We see that accidents cannot constitute person" (Boethius, op.cit.). Substantia is used in two senses: of the concrete substance as existing in the individual, called substantia prima, corresponding to Aristotle's ousia prote; and of abstractions, substance as existing in genus and species, called substantia secunda, Aristotle's ousia deutera. It is disputed which of the two the word taken by itself here signifies. It seems probable that of itself it prescinds from substantia prima and substantia secunda, and is restricted to the former signification only by the word individua.
    Individua — Individua, i.e., indivisum in se, is that which, unlike the higher branches in the tree of Porphyry, genus and species, cannot be further subdivided. Boethius in giving his definition does not seem to attach any further signification to the word. It is merely synonymous with singularis.
    Rationalis naturae — Person is predicated only of intellectual beings. The generic word which includes all individual existing substances is suppositum. Thus person is a subdivision of suppositum which is applied equally to rational and irrational, living and non-living individuals. A person is therefore sometimes defined as suppositum naturae rationalis.
    The definition of Boethius as it stands can hardly be considered a satisfactory one. The words taken literally can be applied to the rational soul of man, and also the human nature of Christ. That St. Thomas accepts it is presumably due to the fact that he found it in possession, and recognized as the traditional definition. He explains it in terms that practically constitute a new definition. Individua substantia signifies, he says, substantia, completa, per se subsistens, separata ab aliia, i.e., a substance, complete, subsisting per se, existing apart from others (III, Q. xvi, a. 12, ad 2um).
    If to this be added rationalis naturae, we have a definition comprising the five notes that go to make up a person: (a) substantia— this excludes accident; (b) completa— it must form a complete nature; that which is a part, either actually or "aptitudinally" does not satisfy the definition; (c) per se subsistens—the person exists in himself and for himself; he is sui juris, the ultimate possessor of his nature and all its acts, the ultimate subject of predication of all his attributes; that which exists in another is not a person; (d) separata ab aliis—this excludes the universal, substantia secunda, which has no existence apart from the individual; (e) rationalis naturae—excludes all non-intellectual supposita.
    To a person therefore belongs a threefold incommunicability, expressed in notes (b), (c), and (d). The human soul belongs to the nature as a part of it, and is therefore not a person, even when existing separately. The human nature of Christ does not exist per se seorsum, but in alio, in the Divine Personality of the Word. It is therefore communicated by assumption and so is not a person. Lastly the Divine Essence, though subsisting per se, is so communicated to the Three Persons that it does not exist apart from them; it is therefore not a person.
    Theologians agree that in the Hypostatic Union the immediate reason why the Sacred Humanity, though complete and individual, is not a person is that it is not a subsistence, not per se seorsum subsistens. They have, however, disputed for centuries as to what may be the ultimate determination of the nature which if present would make it a subsistence and so a person, what in other words is the ultimate foundation of personality. According to Scotus, as he is usually understood, the ultimate foundation is a mere negation. That individual intellectual nature is a person which is neither of its nature destined to be communicated—as is the human soul—nor is actually communicated—as is the Sacred Humanity. If the Hypostatic Union ceased, the latter would ipso facto, without any further determination, become a person. To this it is objected that the person possesses the nature and all its attributes. It is difficult to believe that this possessor, as distinct from the objects possessed, is constituted only by a negative. Consequently, the traditional Thomists, following Cajetan, hold that there is a positive determination which they call the "mode" of subsistence. It is the function of this mode to make the nature incommunicable, terminated in itself, and capable of receiving its own esse, or existence. Without this mode the human nature of Christ exists only by the uncreated esse of the Word.
    Suarez also makes the ultimate foundation of personality a mode. In his view, however, as he holds no real distinction between nature and esse, it does not prepare the nature to receive its own existence, but is something added to a nature conceived as already existing. Many theologians hold that the very concept of a mode, viz., a determination of a substance really distinct from it but adding no reality, involves a contradiction. Of more recent theories that of Tiphanus ("De hypostasi et persona", 1634) has found many adherents. He holds that a substance is a suppositum, an intelligent substance a person, from the mere fact of its being a whole, totum in se. This totality, it is contended, is a positive note, but adds no reality, as the whole adds nothing to the parts that compose it. In the Hypostatic Union the human nature is perfected by being assumed, and so ceases to be a whole, being merged in a greater totality. The Word, on the other hand, is not perfected, and so remains a person. Opposing theologians, however, hold that this notion of totality reduces on analysis to the Scotistic negative. Lastly the neo-Thomists, Terrien, Billot, etc., consider personality to be ultimately constituted by the esse, the actual existence, of an intelligent substance. That which subsists with its own esse is by that very fact incommunicable. The human nature of Christ is possessed by the Word and exists by His infinite esse. It has no separate esse of its own and for this reason is not a person. The suppositum is a suppositum as being ens in the strictest sense of the term. Of all Latin theories this appears to approach most nearly to that of the Greek fathers. Thus in the "Dialogues of the Trinity" given by Migne among the works of St. Athanasius, the author, speaking of person and nature in God, says: He gar hypostasis to einai semainei he de theotes to ti einai (Person denotes esse, the Divine nature denotes the quiddity; M. 28, 1114). An elaborate treatment is given by St. John Damascene, Dial. xlii.
    (2) The use of the word persona and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes
    For the constitution of a person it is required that a reality be subsistent and absolutely distinct, i.e. incommunicable. The three Divine realities are relations, each identified with the Divine Essence. A finite relation has reality only in so far as it is an accident; it has the reality of inherence. The Divine relations, however, are in the nature not by inherence but by identity. The reality they have, therefore, is not that of an accident, but that of a subsistence. They are one with ipsum esse subsistens. Again every relation, by its very nature, implies opposition and so distinction. In the finite relation this distinction is between subject and term. In the infinite relations there is no subject as distinct from the relation itself; the Paternity is the Father—and no term as distinct from the opposing relation; the Filiation is the Son. The Divine realities are therefore distinct and mutually incommunicable through this relative opposition; they are subsistent as being identified with the subsistence of the Godhead, i.e. they are persons. The use of the word persona to denote them, however, led to controversy between East and West. The precise Greek equivalent was prosopon, likewise used originally of the actor's mask and then of the character he represented, but the meaning of the word had not passed on, as had that of persona, to the general signification of individual. Consequently tres personae, tria prosopa, savoured of Sabellianism to the Greeks. On the other hand their word hypostasis, from hypo-histemi, was taken to correspond to the Latin substantia, from sub-stare. Tres hypostases therefore appeared to conflict with the Nicaean doctrine of unity of substance in the Trinity. This difference was a main cause of the Antiochene schism of the fourth century (see MELETIUS OF ANTIOCH). Eventually in the West, it was recognized that the true equivalent of hypostasis was not substantia but subsistentia, and in the East that to understand prosopon in the sense of the Latin persona precluded the possibility of a Sabellian interpretation. By the First Council of Constantinople, therefore, it was recognized that the words hypostasis, prosopon, and persona were equally applicable to the three Divine realities. (See INCARNATION; NATURE; SUBSTANCE; TRINITY.)
    BOETHIUS, De Persona et Duabus Naturis, ii, iii, in P.L., LXIV, 1342 sqq.; RICKABY, General Metaphysics, 92-102, 279-97 (London, 1890); DE REGNON, Etudes sur la Triniti, I. studies i, iv; ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, III, Q. xvi, a. 12; De Potentia, ix, 1-4; TERRIEN, S. Thomae Doctrina de Unione Hypostatica, bk. I, c. vii; bk. III, cc. vi-vii (Paris, 1894); FRANZELIN, De Verbo Incarnato, sect. III, cc. iii-iv (Rome, 1874); HARPER, Metaphysics of the School, vol. I, bk. III, c. ii, art. 2 (London, 1879).
    Transcribed by Rosalie Nesbit

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

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[`pɜːsn]человек; личность, особа; субъектчеловеческое существо, человек разумныйвнешность, обликдействующее лицо; персонажважная особа, примечательная ... смотреть


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[ʹpɜ:s(ə)n] n1. человек; личность; особа; субъектwho is that person? - кто этот человек?a very important person - важная персона /личность/I noticed th... смотреть


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особа, індивід, людина; особистість; фізична особа; юридична особа person about to commit an offence — = person about to commit an offense особа, яка має намір вчинити злочин person about to commit an offense — = person about to commit an offence person employed on collective agreement basis — особа, прийнята на роботою за колективною угодою person having committed an offence — = person having committed an offense особа, яка вчинила злочин person having committed an offense — = person having committed an offence person irresponsible for his acts — = person irresponsible for her acts особа, яка не відповідає за свої дії person irresponsible for her acts — = person irresponsible for his acts person of no definite occupation — особа без певних занять person on conditional discharge — особа, умовно звільнена від кримінальної відповідальності; умовно звільнений (субст. ) person receiving an individual pension — = person receiving an merit pension, person receiving an special pension персональний пенсіонер person receiving an merit pension — = person receiving an individual pension person receiving an special pension — = person receiving an individual pension person responsible for his acts — = person responsible for her acts особа, відповідальна за свої дії person responsible for her acts — = person responsible for his acts person seeking the refugee status — особа, яка домагається статусу біженця person serving a sentence in the form of confinement — = person serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment особа, яка відбуває покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі person serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment — = person serving a sentence in the form of confinement person subject to immigration control — особа, яка підлягає імміграційному контролю person suffered to be at large on his parole — особа, якій дозволено під чесне слово перебувати на волі (в порядку умовно-дострокового звільнення) person susceptible to treatment — особа, яка піддається лікуванню (виправному впливу) person suspected of criminal activity — особа, яка підозрюється у злочинній діяльності person who has exhibited her full powers — = person who has exhibited his full powers особа, яка пред'явила свої повноваження person who has exhibited his full powers — = person who has exhibited her full powers person with criminal tendencies — особа, схильна до вчинення злочинів person's duty towards an individual — обов'язок перед іншою особою person accused of crimeperson addicted to drugperson addicted to drugsperson affectedperson aided and abettedperson already imprisonedperson assaultedperson being of high riskperson engaged in a crimeperson entitledperson for trialperson held to laborperson held to serviceperson in authorityperson in custodyperson in disputeperson in distressperson in lawperson in possessionperson in powerperson in questionperson liable to actionsperson of defective intellectperson of foreign birthperson of foreign descentperson of incidenceperson of lawperson of no fixed abodeperson of shady reputationperson of sound mindperson of unsound mindperson of weak mindperson on probationperson on reliefperson on remandperson on trialperson on trial for a crimeperson pending trialperson presenting a candidateperson proceeded againstperson representing powerperson set in authorityperson threatenedperson under arrestperson under investigationperson under sentenceperson under sentence of deathperson under supervisionperson with a criminal pastperson with a criminal recordperson's dwelling place... смотреть


Person: übersetzungPerson, persona (eig. die Maske des Schauspielers, dann die Charakterrolle, die er in derselben darstellt [vgl. »Rolle«]: übtr. = In... смотреть


{ʹpɜ:s(ə)n} n 1. человек; личность; особа; субъект who is that ~? - кто этот человек? a very important ~ - важная персона /личность/ I noticed that... смотреть


f =, -en1) персона, лицо, человек; личность; особа (б. ч. о женщине)ohne Ansehen der Person — невзирая на лицаdie Familie besteht aus fünf Personen — с... смотреть


person: translation person per‧son [ˈpɜːsn ǁ ˈpɜːr-] also ˌlegal ˈperson noun persons PLURALFORM [countable] LAW a person or gr... смотреть


Person f =, -en 1. персона, лицо, человек; личность; особа (б. ч. о женщине) ohne Ansehen der Person — не взирая на лица die Familie besteht aus fünf ... смотреть


person: translation person Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (41) The term "person" includes individual, partnership, and corporation, but does not ... смотреть


person [ʹpɜ:s(ə)n] n 1. человек; личность; особа; субъект who is that ~? - кто этот человек? a very important ~ - важная персона /личность/ I notice... смотреть


-en, -er1) личность, человек, особа, персона en enslig person — одинокий человекen høytstående person — высокопоставленное лицоoffentlig person — общес... смотреть


Человек, лицо- persons dependent on the tax payer- person engaged- person on welfare- person of independent means- person of no fixed abode- artificial... смотреть


сущ.1) общ. человек; субъект, личность; персонаin person — личноTessa's a very intense person. — Тесса — очень впечатлительная натура.See:individual, a... смотреть


person: translationSynonyms and related words:Adamite, actor, actually, an existence, anatomy, antagonist, antihero, article, being, bit, bit part, bod... смотреть


nчеловек, лицо, субъектto detain suspicious persons — задерживать подозрительных лицto veto a person — отвергать чью-л. кандидатуру- anti-nuclear perso... смотреть


person [ˊpɜ:sn] n 1) челове́к; ли́чность, осо́ба; субъе́кт; in (one's own) person ли́чно, со́бственной персо́ной;not a single person ни еди́ной живо́й... смотреть


person: translationOne of the central problems of metaphysics is what it is to be a person. The answer ought to account for central phenomena of person... смотреть


n 1. персона; индивид, человек; личность; особа; 2. внешний облик; 3. по К. Юнгу - роль человека, исполняемая им под давлением общества; 4. действующе... смотреть


• Any man, woman or child • Being • Census unit • Chap • Figure • Follower of chair or repair • Human • Human being • Human individual • In ___ (live)... смотреть


сущ. 1) а) человек; личность, особа; субъект not a single person — ни единой живой души, никого missing person — без вести пропавший real person — фактическое лицо б) человеческое существо, человек разумный (в отличие от животных) He does not have a right to be called a person. — У него нет права называться человеком. 2) внешность, облик a man of exquisite person — человек выдающейся внешности Syn: appearance 3) а) действующее лицо; персонаж б) важная особа, примечательная личность • Syn: personage 4) лингв. лицо the first person — первое лицо the second person — второе лицо the third person — третье лицо 5) юр. юридическое лицо (тж. juridical person) 6) зоол. особь... смотреть


сущ.1) персона; индивид, человек; личность; особа;2) внешний облик;3) по К. Юнгу — роль человека, исполняемая им под давлением общества;4) действующее ... смотреть


n 1) людина; особа, особистість; персона; постать; суб'єкт; who is that ~? хто ця людина?, хто той чоловік?; not a single ~ нікого, ні душі; displaced ~ переміщена особа; 2) зовнішність; вигляд; 3) дійова особа; персонаж; 4) юр. фізична особа (тж natural ~); юридична особа (тж legal ~); ~ of law суб'єкт права; stateless ~ особа без громадянства; 5) грам. особа; the second ~ plural друга особа множини; 6) зоол. самостійний особень; 7) рел. іпостась; лик, образ.... смотреть


лицо, личность; субъект- authorized person - cleared person - malicious person - penetration person - seeking entry person - trusted person - unauthori... смотреть


n 1. особа, людина, суб'єкт 2. фізична або юридична особа - important ~ особа, що займає відповідальну посаду - juridicial ~ юридична особа - private ~ приватна особа - sheltered ~ особа, якій надано притулок - stateless ~ особа без громадянства - very important ~ (VIP) важлива особа - ~ on authority особа, наділена повноваженнями - ~ of foreign descent особа іноземного походження - ~ of law юр. суб'єкт права - in ~ особисто... смотреть


[-ʹpɜ:s(ə)n]компонент сложных слов со значением человек (без указания на пол):chairperson - председательsalesperson - продавец


{-ʹpɜ:s(ə)n} компонент сложных слов со значением человек (без указания на пол): chairperson - председатель salesperson - продавец


- artificial person - authorized person - average skilled person - individual person - juristic person - legal person - natural person - person entitled to apply - person having ordinary skill in the art - person having right to apply - person skilled in the art - reasonable person - registered person... смотреть


- authorized person- competent personАнгло-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.1995.


1) личность2) особа3) особь4) лицо5) субъект– right-handed person– sloppy persontwo person cooperative game — игра с двумя участниками и возможностью и... смотреть


самостоятельная особь, индивид; зооид (в колонии)* * *• зооид • индивид • самостоятельная особь


сущ. 1) общ. персона, человек, субъект, личность, пероснаж 2) юр. лицо (физическое- индивид или юридическое; субъект, обладающий имущественными и другими гражданским правами и обязанностями) See: natural person See: organization 1) е)... смотреть


{pär_s'o:n}1. персона salen rymmer 10 personer--зал рассчитан на 10 персон2. лицо, личность, персона


• Every person should row his own boat - Всяк за себя (B), Живи всяк своим умом да своим горбом (Ж), Не суй свой нос в чужой вопрос (H)• /Here's/ just ... смотреть


человек (физическое лицо), субъект immune person — иммунный организм


nлюдина, особа, суб'єкт•- missing person- person in custody


n1) особа, персона; людина; суб'єкт2) грам. особа3) зовнішність4) дійова особа; персонаж


Person: translation Person f person; party


-person [-ʹpɜ:s(ə)n] компонент сложных слов со значением человек (без указания на пол): chairperson - председатель salesperson - продавец


1) лицо 2) личность 3) особа 4) особь 5) субъект • two person cooperative game — игра с двумя участниками и возможностью их кооперирования - right-handed person - sloppy person... смотреть


person: übersetzung person Person f


transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpə:sn ] лицо ; субъект ; ~ persons on payroll ; ~ artificial person ; ~ legal person ; ~ natural person ;


человек; самостоятельная особьв колонии


n. человек, личность, особа, субъект; внешность, облик, лицо; действующее лицо, персонаж; юридическое лицо; особь


человек; личность, особа; субъект внешность, облик действующее лицо; персонаж юридическое лицо zool. особь


лицо ; субъект ; ? persons on payroll ; ? artificial person ; ? legal person ; ? natural person ;


в соч. - endangered person - maintenance person - preset person - programmer/setup person


в соч. - endangered person- maintenance person- preset person- programmer/setup person


ˈpə:snлицо, персона, человек


мед.сущ. человек; индивид Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


person: translationSee: IN PERSON.


person: translationSee: IN PERSON.




нікого, особистість, чоловік, зовнішність, анікого


nm. (pl. -au) человек; личность, особа


Персона, особа


Персона, особа


Персона, особа


См. persona.


(n) лицо; личность; человек


См. persona.


Лицо, личность, персона


- news camera person


физическое лицо


физическое лицо


персона, особа







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