Quantity: translation

Interpretations of quantity as either a physical or theoretical abstraction

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Quantity
    (Gr. poson; Lat. quantitas, quantum, correlate to tantum)
    Aristotle, in his "Categories" places quantity (with which he deals at length from the logical standpoint in the sixth chapter) first in his enumeration of the nine accidents. His list of the possible heads of classification of predicates has reference to a concrete, material subject, and, as shown by the last two predicaments (jacere and habere), principally to man. Quantity does not, therefore, as philosophy is at present divided, fall properly under the treatment of ontology, but of cosmology. It presupposes the material. In "Metaphysics", IV, the concrete quantum is described as "that which is divisible into the parts included in it, of which any and each is potentially one and hoc quid".By this description the inexistent parts of the quantum are discriminated from the elements in the compound, the matter and the form, which are not each potentially "one and hoc quid". Quantity is distinguished into
    (1) continuous, and
    (2) discrete.
    Continuous (geometrical) quantity is that which consists of parts having position in reference to each other, so that the limit of the one is the limit of the next. These parts, each potentially "one and hoc quid", do not form a multitude, an aggregate of units, but one divisible quantum, or measurable size. They are not actual entities. (This doctrine is not unanimously held in the School.) Continuous quantity is further subdivided into;
    (1) successive, and
    (2) permanent.
    Time and movement are examples of successive, the line, surface or tridimensional body of permanent continuous quantity. It is to be noted that time and movement have no reality apart from quantified things which move, and of which the movement is measurable; and that the line and superficies are no more than abstractions practised upon the real quantum — tridimensional body. Discrete (arithmetical) quantity is made up of discontinuous parts. The resultant whole is a unity per accidens, in which the elements coexist as a plurality. Number and speech are given as examples. Quantity has no contrary, nor does it admit degrees. There is no contrary to a given length or superficies; nor is any one quantity, as such, more a quantity than another is. Large, small, etc., as used in reference to extended things, fall more properly under the category of relation. Equal and unequal are affirmed of objects in virtue of their quantity alone. Not only is material substance affected by the accidental form of quantity, but all the other accidents are measurable, at least per accidens, as when we say "much and little white". St. Thomas ("Summa", III, Q. lxxvii, a. 2) makes all the accidents "related to their subject by the medium of dimensive quantity, as the first subject of colour is said to be the superficies".
    An important question is raised as to the nature of the distinction to be drawn between substance and quantity. The School generally, following Aristotle, holds that, as quantity is that reality which makes the indivisible substance potentially divisible (Physics, 1. 2), the distinction to be admitted is a real one. There is considerable diversity of opinion as to whether this can be demonstrated by arguments of natural reason. Aristotle's own argument lies in the consideration that length, breadth, and depth are quantities, but are not substances. But against this it has been urged that these things do not exist as such at all. They are abstractions formed by the dissociation produced by varying concomitants. Suarez, Pesch, De San, Nys, and others hold that the distinction is demonstrable; but most of the arguments advanced are negative ones. For Descartes and his school, quantity, or extension, is the essence of corporeal substance. The distinction to which allusion has just been made has no place in the system (cf. DESCARTES). The definition of the Council of Trent, however, teaches that quantity is really distinct from substance. It is of faith that the substances of bread and wine in the Eucharist are changed at the consecration (Sess. XIII, cap. iv); but the quantity remains sensibly unaltered. To escape this difficulty, the Cartesians had recourse to several explanations, none of which seems to be in any way satisfactory. Continuous quantity is seen to be, in the philosophy of the School, an attribute and accident of body. Corporeal substance, as such, is not quantitatively divisible. When actuated by quantity it becomes so; but is not yet spatially displayed. The accident is thus distinguished by Scholastics from the further accident of formal extension which is complementary to it, and by which the parts, already rendered distinct by quantity, are localized in space. Through the aptitude to being determined by this accidental form, matter is held to be individuated; the principle of individuation of corporeal beings is materia quantitate signata.
    GROTE, Aristotle (London, 1872); HAAN, Philosophia naturalis (Freiburg, 1898); LORENZELLI, Philosophi Theoretic Institutiones (Rome, 1896); MERCIER, Ontologie (Louvain, 1902); NYS, Cosmologie (Louvain, 1906); ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Opera (Parma, 1852). (Cf. especially De principio individuationis, De natura materia et dimensionibus interminatis, De natura generis, De natura accidentis.)
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

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[`kwɔntɪtɪ]количество; численность, числобольшое количествовеличина; размер; параметрвеличинадолгота звука, количество звука


[ʹkwɒntıtı] n1. 1) количествоquantity on hand - количество, имеющееся в наличииlarge [considerable] quantity - большое [значительное] количествоproduct... смотреть


quantity: translation Number of units or lots of a futures contract. Sometimes also called size. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary * * * quantity ... смотреть


{ʹkwɒntıtı} n 1. 1) количество ~ on hand - количество, имеющееся в наличии large ~ - большое {значительное} количество product ~ - количество прод... смотреть


quantity: translation nounADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, great, huge, immense, large, massive, sheer, significant, substantial, vast ▪ copious, ... смотреть


сущ. сокр. Qty1)а) общ. количество; численность, числоto determine the quantity — определять количествоlarge quantity — большое количествоsmall quantit... смотреть


1) величина 2) количество 3) численность 4) число • ancillary [auxiliary] quantity — вспомогательная величина balanced periodic quantity — уравновешенная периодическая величина complex sinusoidal quantity — комплексная синусоидальная величина estimate desired quantity — оценивать искомую величину fuel quantity indicator — топливный расходомер infinitely small [infinitesimal] quantity — бесконечно малая величина look up quantity in table — отыскивать данные по таблице monotone decreasing quantity — монотонно убывающая величина monotone increasing quantity — монотонно возрастающая величина monotonic decreasing quantity — монотонно убывающая величина monotonic increasing quantity — монотонно возрастающая величина normally distributed quantity — (случайные) величины, распределенные по нормальному закону partial mole quantity — мольная парциальная величина quantity constant in the limit — предельно постоянная величина quantity under measure — измеряемая величина small quantity of n-th order — малая величина n-го порядка, величина n-го порядка малости specific quantity of metal — металлоемкость upper limit to quantity — верхний предел величины - abstract quantity - additive quantity - average quantity - bounded quantity - bracketed quantity - chance quantity - characteristic quantity - complex quantity - composite quantity - congruent quantity - controlled quantity - converted quantity - correlated quantity - covariant quantity - denominate quantity - design quantity - desired quantity - dimensional quantity - dimensionless quantity - directed quantity - discrete quantity - dynamic quantity - electric quantity - entire quantity - equivalent quantity - exponential quantity - final quantity - finite quantity - fundamental quantity - generalized quantity - geometric quantity - given quantity - harmonic quantity - imaginary quantity - incontrolled quantity - infinite quantity - infinitesimal quantity - influencing quantity - input quantity - integer quantity - integrated quantity - irrational quantity - irreducible quantity - limit quantity - local quantity - measurable quantity - measured quantity - mixed quantity - modification of quantity - monotonic quantity - multidimensional quantity - neglect quantity - negligible quantity - nonconstructible quantity - nondimensional quantity - non-dimensional quantity - normalized quantity - norming quantity - numerical quantity - observable quantity - observed quantity - oscillating quantity - output quantity - overbarred quantity - partial quantity - periodic quantity - photometric quantity - physical quantity - pivotal quantity - positive quantity - primary quantity - primitive quantity - production quantity - pseudoperiodic quantity - pseudoscalar quantity - quantity in exponent - quantity observed - quantity of design - quantity of electricity - quantity of heat - quantity of information - quantity of magnetism - quantity of selection - quantity of variety - quantity production - random quantity - real quantity - reciprocal quantity - reference quantity - renewal quantity - renormalized quantity - secondary quantity - second-order quantity - sinusoidal quantity - sought quantity - specific quantity - standardized quantity - static quantity - subsidiary quantity - threshold quantity - time-averaged quantity - time-independent quantity - transcendental quantity - uncertain quantity - unknown quantity - variable quantity - vector quantity - virtual quantity - weighted quantity - zeroth-order quantity... смотреть


quantity: translationSynonyms and related words:Alexandrine, a mass of, a world of, abundance, accent, accentuation, accommodation, account, acres, aff... смотреть


1) количество2) величина3) численность4) число– adjusted quantity– analog quantity– auxiliary quantity– auxilliary quantity– complex quantity– controll... смотреть


quantity [ʹkwɒntıtı] n 1. 1) количество ~ on hand - количество, имеющееся в наличии large [considerable] ~ - большое [значительное] количество produ... смотреть


Количество; размер; величина- in quantity- quantity issued- quantity on hand- quantity received- quantity of shipments- quantity of value- batch quanti... смотреть


quantity [ˊkwɒntətɪ] n 1) коли́чество (тж. филос.);negligible quantity незначи́тельное коли́чество; величина́, кото́рой мо́жно пренебре́чь; перен. чел... смотреть


1. количество; размер 2. матем. величина 3. параметр economical quantities of oil — промышленное количество нефти— commercial quantity — dimensionles... смотреть


1) количество 2) величина; размер 3) параметр • in batch quantities — партиями; сериями (напр. об обработке деталей) - actuating quantity - alternating quantity - analog quantity - auxiliary energizing quantity - base quantity - basic quantities - batch quantity - break-even batch quantity - call-off quantity - characteristic quantity - controlling quantity - correcting quantity - derived quantity - dimensionless quantity - economic order quantity - economic production quantities - economic starting quantity - energizing quantity - generalized quantity - influence quantity - information quantity - input energizing quantity - lot quantity - periodic quantity - photometric quantity - physical quantity - production quantity - quantity of heat - random quantity - reference quantity - run quantity - transfer quantity - unit quantity of work done - unit quantity - variable quantity - work-order quantity... смотреть


1) количество 2) величина; размер 3) параметр • in batch quantities — партиями; сериями (напр. об обработке деталей) - quantity of heat- actuating quantity- alternating quantity- analog quantity- auxiliary energizing quantity- base quantity- basic quantities- batch quantity- break-even batch quantity- call-off quantity- characteristic quantity- controlling quantity- correcting quantity- derived quantity- dimensionless quantity- economic order quantity- economic production quantities- economic starting quantity- energizing quantity- generalized quantity- influence quantity- information quantity- input energizing quantity- lot quantity- periodic quantity- photometric quantity- physical quantity- production quantity- random quantity- reference quantity- run quantity- transfer quantity- unit quantity- unit quantity of work done- variable quantity- work-order quantity... смотреть


n 1. количество; 2. доля, часть; 3. pl большое количество; множество, изобилие; 4. величина.* * *сущ. 1) количество; 2) доля, часть; 3) мн.ч. большое... смотреть


n1) кількість; розмірnegligible quantity - незначна кількість; величина, якою можна знехтувати; перен. людина, на яку не зважають; людина, яка не має в... смотреть


1) количество 2) величина; размер 3) доля • - accessible bypass routes quantity - alternating quantity - analog quantity - channels-in-module quantity - channels-in-rack quantity - communication path quantity - digital quantity - electrical quantity - guarded objects quantity - light quantity - maximal call quantity - maximal console quantity - maximal telephone quantity - overall seizure quantity - reference quantity - selector inputs quantity - serviced subscribers quantity - switch inputs quantity - variable quantity - voice channels-on-carrier quantity - wire subscribers quantity... смотреть


сущ. 1) а) количество тж. филос.; численность, число quantity repaired — количество отремонтированных изделий in (large) quantities — в (большом) количестве - considerable quantity - large quantity - negligible quantity - small quantity - sufficient quantity Syn: amount, number б) большое количество a quantity of — множество 2) величина; размер; параметр the quantity of a surface — размер поверхности 3) мат. величина derived quantity — производная величина - incommensurable quantities 4) фон. долгота звука, количество звука • - unknown quantity... смотреть


1) количество; величина; размер 2) параметр - alternating quantity - analog quantity - digital quantity - dimensionless quantity - discrete quantity - double-precision quantity - fixed-point quantity - floating-point quantity - input quantity - integer quantity - local quantity - output quantity - random quantity - real quantity - reference quantity - scalar quantity - subscript quantity - threshold quantity - variable quantity - vector quantity - quantity of variety... смотреть


n 1) кількість; large ~ велика кількість; negligible ~ незначна кількість; 2) мат. (мізерно мала) величина; розмір; incommensurable quantities непорівнянні величини; unknown ~ невідоме; перен. людина непередбачених дій; spatial ~ розмір території; 3) частка; what ~ do you want? яку частку (скільки) ви хочете?; 4) pl велика кількість; безліч; by quantities у великих кількостях; 5) фон. довгота звука; 6) муз. відносна тривалість звука; ♦ ~ production масове виробництво.... смотреть


(физическая) величина; количество- quantity of cement- quantity of motion- scalar quantity- specific quantity of sewage water- unknown quantity- vector... смотреть


сущ.1) количество;2) доля, часть;3) мн.ч. большое количество; множество, изобилие;4) величина.


quantity: übersetzung quantity Menge f, Quantität f


• Amount • An adequate or large amount • Something that has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable... смотреть


transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkwɔntɪtɪ ] количество ; размер ; величина ; большое количество ; ~ quantity discount ; ~ quantity on hand ; ~ quantity production ; ~ quantity theory of money ; ~ buy in quantity ;... смотреть


величина; количество- alternating quantity- basic injection quantity- oil change quantity- starting quantity


количество ; размер ; величина ; большое количество ; ? quantity discount ; ? quantity on hand ; ? quantity production ; ? quantity theory of money ; ? buy in quantity ;<br>... смотреть


quantity: translationa collective noun (a noun that denotes a collection of persons or things regarded as a unit) for smelt


Розміркількістькількісний параметрвеличина


— constant quantity — flow quantity


кількість - quantity of evidence


ˈkwɔntɪtɪколичество, размер, величина, большое количество


мед.сущ. количество * * * количество Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


Количество; Величина; Параметр. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.




n. количество, большое количество, величина, количество звука, долгота звука


количество (тж. филос.); большое количество долгота звука, количество звука


quantity: translationSee: UNKNOWN QUANTITY.


quantity: translationSee: UNKNOWN QUANTITY.


— aircraft fuel quantity




количество; величина


величина, количество


розміркількість кількісний параметр величина


1) количество; величина; размер 2) параметр


(q) количество


кількість quantity of evidence


кількість[c steelblue], -кості


См. quantità.


людина, кількість, величина


количество n число (n)


(n) количество



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