Man: translation

Includes sections on the nature of man, the origin of man, and the end of man

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Man
    (Anglo-Saxon man=a person, human being; supposed root man=to think; Ger., Mann, Mensch).
    According to the common definition of the School, Man is a rational animal. This signifies no more than that, in the system of classification and definition shown in the Arbor Porphyriana, man is a substance, corporeal, living, sentient, and rational. It is a logical definition, having reference to a metaphysical entity. It has been said that man's animality is distinct in nature from his rationality, though they are inseparably joined, during life, in one common personality. "Animality" is an abstraction as is "rationality". As such, neither has any substantial existence of its own. To be exact we should have to write: "Man's animality is rational"; for his "rationality" is certainly not something superadded to his "animality".Man is one in essence. In the Scholastic synthesis, it is a manifest illogism to hypostasize the abstract conceptions that are necessary for the intelligent apprehension of complete phenomena. A similar confusion of expression may be noticed in the statement that man is a "compound of body and soul". This is misleading. Man is not a body plus a soul—which would make of him two individuals; but a body that is what it is (namely, a human body) by reason of its union with the soul. As a special application of the general doctrine of matter and form which is as well a theory of science as of intrinsic causality, the "soul" is envisaged as the substantial form of the matter which, so informed, is a human "body". The union between the two is a "substantial" one. It cannot be maintained, in the Thomistic system, that the "substantial union is a relation by which two substances are so disposed that they form one". In the general theory, neither "matter" nor "form", but only the composite, is a substance. In the case of man, though the "soul" be proved a reality capable of separate existence, the "body" can in no sense be called a substance in its own right. It exists only as determined by a form; and if that form is not a human soul, then the "body" is not a human body. It is in this sense that the Scholastic phrase "incomplete substance", applied to body and soul alike, is to be understood. Though strictly speaking self-contradictory, the phrase expresses in a convenient form the abiding reciprocity of relation between these two "principles of substantial being".
    Man is an individual, a single substance resultant from the determination of matter by a human form. Being capable of reasoning, he verifies the philosophical definition of a person (q. v.): "the individual substance of a rational nature". This doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas (cf. I, Q. lxxv, a. 4) and of Aristotle is not the only one that has been advanced. In Greek and in modern philosophy, as well as during the Patristic and Scholastic periods, another celebrated theory laid claim to pre-eminence. For Plato the soul is a spirit that uses the body. It is in a non-natural state of union, and longs to be freed from its bodily prison (cf. Republic, X, 611). Plato has recourse to a theory of a triple soul to explain the union—a theory that would seem to make personality altogether impossible (see MATTER). St. Augustine, following him (except as to the triple-soul theory) makes the "body" and "soul" two substances; and man "a rational soul using a mortal and earthly body" (De Moribus, I, xxvii). But he is careful to note that by union with the body it constitutes the human being. St. Augustine's psychological doctrine was current in the Middle Ages up to the time and during the perfecting of the Thomistic synthesis. It is expressed in the "Liber de Spiritu et Anima" of Alcher of Clairvaux (?) (twelfth century). In this work "the soul rules the body; its union with the body is a friendly union, though the latter impedes the full and free exercise of its activity; it is devoted to its prison" (cf. de Wulf, "History of Philosophy", tr. Coffey). As further instances of Augustinian influence may be cited Alanus ab Insulis (but the soul is united by a spiritus physicus to the body); Alexander of Hales (union ad modum formæ cum materia); St. Bonaventure (the body united to a soul consisting of "form" and "spiritual matter"—forma completiva). Many of the Franciscan doctors seem, by inference if not explicitly, to lean to the Platonic Augustinian view; Scotus, who, however, by the subtlety of his "formal distinction a parte rei", saves the unity of the individual while admitting the forma corporeitatis; his opponent John Peter Olivi's "mode of union" of soul and body was condemned at the Council of Vienne (1311-12).
    The theories of the nature of man so far noticed are purely philosophical. No one of them has been explicitly condemned by the Church. The ecclesiastical definitions have reference merely to the "union" of "body" and "soul". With the exception of the words of the Council of Toledo, 688 (Ex libro responionis Juliani Archiep. Tolet.),in which "soul" and "body" are referred to as two "substances" (explicable in the light of subsequent definitions only in the hypothesis of abstraction, and as "incomplete" substances), other pronouncements of the Church merely reiterate the doctrine maintained in the School. Thus Lateran in 649 (against the Monothelites), canon ii, "the Word of God with the flesh assumed by Him and animated with an intellectual principle shall come ... "; Vienne, 1311-12, "whoever shall hereafter dare to assert, maintain, or pertinaciously hold that the rational or intellectual soul is not per se and essentially the form of the human body, is to be regarded as a heretic"; Decree of Leo X, in V Lateran, Bull "Apostolici Regiminis", 1513, "... with the approval of this sacred council we condemn all who assert that the intellectual soul is mortal or is the same in all men ... for the soul is not only really and essentially the form of the human body, but is also immortal; and the number of souls has been and is to be multiplied according as the number of bodies is multiplied"; Brief "Eximiam tuam" of Pius IX to Cardinal de Geissel, 15 June, 1857, condemning the error of Günther, says: "the rational soul is per se the true and immediate form of the body".
    In the sixteenth century Descartes advanced a doctrine that again separated soul and body, and compromised the unity of consciousness and personality. To account for the interaction of the two substances—the one "thought", the other "extension"— "Occasionalism" (Malebranche, Geulincx), "Pre-established Harmony" (Leibniz), and "Reciprocal Influx" (Locke) were imagined. The inevitable reaction from the Cartesian division is to be found in the Monism of Spinoza. Aquinas avoids the difficulties and contradictions of the "two substance" theory and, saving the personality, accounts for the observed facts of the unity of consciousness. His doctrine:
    ♦ disproves the possibility of metempsychosis;
    ♦ establishes an inferential, though not an apodictic argument, for the resurrection of the body;
    ♦ avoids all difficulties as to the "seat of the soul", by asserting formal actuation;
    ♦ proves the immortality of the soul from the spiritual and incomplex activity observed in the individual man; it is not my soul that thinks, or my body that eats, but "I" that do both.
    The particular creation of the soul is a corollary of the foregoing. This doctrine—the contradiction of Traducianism and Transmigration—follows from the consideration that the formal principle cannot be produced by way of generation, either directly (since it is proved to be simple in substance), or accidentally (since it is a subsistent form). Hence there remains only creation as the mode of its production. The complete argument may be found in the "Contra Gentiles" of St. Thomas, II, lxxxvii. See also Summa Theologica, I, Q. cxviii, aa. 1 and 2 (against Traducianism) and a. 3 (in refutation of the opinion of Pythagoras, Plato and Origen — with whom Leibniz might be grouped as professing a modified form of the same opinion—the creation of souls at the beginning of time).
    This problem may be treated from the standpoints of Holy Scripture, theology, or philosophy.
    A. The Sacred Writings are entirely concerned with the relations of man to God, and of God's dealings with man, before and after the Fall. Two accounts of his origin are given in the Old Testament. On the sixth and last day of the creation "God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him" (Gen., i, 27); and "the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul" (Gem, ii, 7; so Ecclus., xvii, 1: "God created man of the earth, and made him after his own image"). By these texts the special creation of man is established, his high dignity and his spiritual nature. As to his material part, the Scripture declares that it is formed by God from the "slime of the earth". This becomes a "living soul" and fashioned to the "image of God" by the inspiration of the "breath of life", which makes man man and differentiates him from the brute.
    B. This doctrine is obviously to be looked for in all Catholic theology. The origin of man by creation (as opposed to emanative and evolutionistic Pantheism) is asserted in the Church's dogmas and definitions. In the earliest symbols (see the Alexandrian: di ou ta panta egeneto, ta en ouranois kai epi ges, horata te kai aorata, and the Nicene), in the councils (see especially IV Lateran, 1215; "Creator of all things visible and invisible, spiritual and corporeal, who by this omnipotent power ... brought forth out of nothing the spiritual and corporeal creation, that, is the angelic world and the universe, and afterwards man, forming as it were one composite out of spirit and body"), in the writings of the Fathers and theologians the same account is given. The early controversies and apologetics of St. Clement of Alexandria and Origen defend the theory of creation against Stoics and neo-Platonists. St. Augustine strenuously combats the pagan schools on this point as on that of the nature and immortality of man's soul. A masterly synthetic exposition of the theological and philosophical doctrine as to man is given in the "Summa Theologica" of St. Thomas Aquinas, I, QQ. lxxv-ci. So again the "Contra Gentiles", II (on creatures), especially from xlvi onwards, deals with the subject from a philosophical standpoint — the distinction between the theological and the philosophical treatment having been carefully drawn in chap. iv. Note especially chap. lxxxvii, which establishes Creationism.
    C. Scholastic philosophy reaches a conclusion as to the origin of man similar to the teaching of revelation and theology. Man is a creature of God in a created universe. All things that are, except Himself, exist in virtue of a unique creative act. As to the mode of creation, there would seem to be two possible alternatives. Either the individual composite was created ex nihilo, or a created soul became the informing principle of matter already pre-existing in another determination. Either mode would be philosophically tenable, but the Thomistic principle of the successive and graded evolution of forms in matter is in favour of the latter view. If, as is the case with the embryo (St. Thomas, I, Q. cxviii, a. 2, ad 2um), a succession of preparatory forms preceded information by the rational soul, it nevertheless follows necessarily from the established principles of Scholasticism that this, not only in the case of the first man, but of all men, must be produced in being by a special creative act. The matter that is destined to become what we call man's "body" is naturally prepared, by successive transformations, for the reception of the newly created soul as its determinant principle. The commonly held opinion is that this determination takes place when the organization of the brain of the foetus is sufficiently complete to allow of imaginative life; i.e. the possibility of the presence of phantasmata. But note also the opinion that the creation of, and information by, the soul takes place at the moment of conception.
    In common with all created nature (substance, or essence, considered as the principle of activity or passivity), that of man tends towards its natural end. The proof of this lies in the inductively ascertained principle of finality. The natural end of man may be considered from two points of view. Primarily, it is the procuring of the glory of God, which is the end of all creation. God's intrinsic perfection is not increased by creation, but extrinsically He becomes known and praised, or glorified by the creatures He endows with intelligence. A secondary natural end of man is the attainment of his own beatitude, the complete and hierarchic perfection of his nature by the exercise of its faculties in the order which reason prescribes to the will, and this by the observance of the moral law. Since complete beatitude is not to be attained in this life (considered in its merely natural aspect, as neither yet elevated by grace, nor vitiated by sin) future existence, as proved in psychology, is postulated by ethics for its attainment. Thus the present life is to be considered as a means to a further end. Upon the relation of the rational nature of man to his last end—God—is founded the science of moral philosophy, which thus presupposes as its ground, metaphysics, cosmology, and psychology. The distinction of good and evil rests upon the consonance or discrepancy of human acts with the nature of man thus considered; and moral obligation has its root in the absolute necessity and immutability of the same relation.
    With regard to the last end of man (as "man" and not as "soul"), it is not universally held by Scholastics that the resurrection of the body is proved apodictically in philosophy. Indeed some (e. g. Scotus, Occam) have even denied that the immortality of the soul is capable of such demonstration. The resurrection is an article of faith. Some recent authors, however (see Cardinal Mercier, "Psychologie", II, 370), advance the argument that the formation of a new body is naturally necessary on account of the perfect final happiness of the soul, for which it is a condition sine qua non. A more cogent form of the proof would seem to lie in the consideration that the separated soul is not complete in ratione naturæ. It is not the human being; and it would seem that the nature of man postulates a final and permanent reunion of its two intrinsic principles.
    But there is de facto another end of man. The Catholic Faith teaches that man has been raised to a supernatural state and that his destiny, as a son of God and member of the Mystical Body of which Christ is the Head, is the eternal enjoyment of the beatific vision. In virtue of God's infallible promise, in the present dispensation the creature enters into the covenant by baptism; he becomes a subject elevated by grace to a new order, incorporated into a society by reason of which he tends and is brought to a perfection not due to his nature (see CHURCH). The means to this end are justification by the merits of Christ communicated to man, co-operation with grace, the sacraments, prayer, good works, etc. The Divine law which the Christian obeys rests on this supernatural relation and is enforced with a similar sanction. The whole pertains to a supernatural providence which belongs not to philosophical speculation but to revelation and theological dogma. In the light of the finalistic doctrine as to man, it is evident that the "purpose of life" can have a meaning only in reference to an ultimate state of perfection of the individual. The nature tending towards its end can be interpreted only in terms of that end; and the activities by which it manifests its tendency as a living being have no adequate explanation apart from it.
    The theories that are sometimes put forward of the place of man in the universe, as destined to share in a development to which no limits can be assigned, rest upon the Spencerian theory that man is but "a highly-differentiated portion of the earth's crust and gaseous envelope", and ignore or deny the limitation imposed by the essential materiality and spirituality of human nature. If the intellectual faculties were indeed no more than the developed animal powers., there would seem to be no possibility of limiting their progress in the future. But since the soul of man is the result, not of evolution, but of creation, it is impossible to look forward to any such advance as would involve a change in man's specific nature, or any essential difference in its relation to its material environment, in the physiological conditions under which it at present exists, or in its "relation" to its Divine Creator. The "Herrenmoralität" of Nietzsche—the "transvaluation of values" which is to revolutionize the present moral law, the new morality which man's changing relation to the Absolute may some day bring into existence—must, therefore, be considered to be not less inconsistent with the nature of man than it is wanting in historical probability.
    ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, Opera (Parma, 1852-72); BRADLEY, Appearance and Reality (London, 1890); CATHREIN, Philosophia Moralis (Freiburg, 1895), DR WULF, Historie de la Philosophie Médiévale (Louvain, 1905), tr. COFFEY (London, 1909); DUCKWORTH in Cambridge Theologial Essays (London 1905); HAGENBACH, History of Doctrines (Edinburgh, 1846); HURTER, Theologiæ Dogmaticæ Compendium (Innsbruck, 1896); LODGE, Substance of Faith (London, 1907); LOTZE, Microkosmos (Edinburgh, 1885); MAHER, Psychology in Stonyhurst Series (London, 1890); MERCIER, Psychologie (Louvain, 1908); NIETZSCHE, Jenseits von Gut und Böse (Leipzig, 1886); NYS, Cosmologie (Louvain, 1906); RICKABY, Moral Philosophy in Stonyhurst Series ( London, 1888); RITTER AND PRELLE, Historia Philosophiæ Graecæ (Gotha, 1888); SCOTUS, Opera (Lyons, 1639); SUAREZ, Metaphysicarum Disputationum tomi duo (Mainz, 1605); WINDELBAND, tr. TUFTS, History of Philosophy (New York, 1893).
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

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[mæn]человек«человек», торговец наркотикамимужчинамуж; возлюбленныйпарень, мужикчеловеческий род, человечествобелое населениеслугазависимое лицо, васса... смотреть


[mæn]о-в Мэн


man: translation•Roman•I.•/Roman• noun 1 male personADJECTIVE ▪ elderly, middle-aged, old, older, young ▪ a little old man ▪ a middle-aged, baldin... смотреть


1. {mæn} n (pl men) 1. 1) мужчина, человек there were three men and two women in the room - в комнате было трое мужчин и две женщины to play the ~ -... смотреть


man 1. [mæn] n (pl men) 1. 1) мужчина, человек there were three men and two women in the room - в комнате было трое мужчин и две женщины to play the ... смотреть


man [mæn] 1. n (pl men) 1) мужчи́на 2) челове́к 3) челове́ческий род, челове́чество 4) му́жественный челове́к 5) (обыкн. pl) рабо́чий 6) слуга́, челов... смотреть


man [mæn]1. n (pl men)1) мужчи́на2) челове́к3) челове́ческий род, челове́чество4) му́жественный челове́к5) (обыкн. pl) рабо́чий6) слуга́, челове́к;I'm ... смотреть


• All men are mortal - Все люди смертны (B), Все под Богом ходим (B)• All men must die - Все люди смертны (B), Все под Богом ходим (B), Все там будем (... смотреть


• ___ -about-town: dandy • ___ and wife • ___ Friday • ___ of his word • ___ of La Mancha • ___ overboard! • ___ Ray (Dada artist) • ___ alive! • ___ ... смотреть


man: übersetzungman [man] <Indefinitpronomen, nur im Nominativ>: a) (in einer bestimmten Situation) der/die Betreffende, die Betreffenden: von do... смотреть


man: übersetzungman, homo (ein Mensch, z.B. wenn man das Podagra bekommt, cum homini pedes dolere coepissent). – quis. aliquis. quispiam (jemand, irgen... смотреть


1. сущ.1)а) общ. человекб) общ. человеческий род, человечествоMan cannot live by bread alone. — Не хлебом единым жив человек.See:customer's man2)а) общ... смотреть


Ipron indef не переводится1) употр. в роли подлежащего в неопределённо-личных и обобщённо-личных предложениях man sagt — говорятman pocht an die Tür — ... смотреть


1. сущ.; мн. men 1) человек fat man — толстый человек short man — человек низкого роста tall man — высокий человек thin man — тоненький, худой человек handsome man — красивый человек ugly man — некрасивый человек straight man — честный человек, простак wise man — мудрый человек grown man — взрослый человек young man — молодой человек middle-aged man — человек среднего возраста old man — старик the man in the street — "человек с улицы", рядовой человек A man could get killed there. — Там человека могут и убить. - average man - Cro-Magnon man - family man - fancy man - hatchet man - hit man - idea man - Java man - ladies' man - man on horseback - marked man - Neanderthal man - organization man - Paleolithic man - Peking man - professional man - Renaissance man - right-hand man - self-made man - straw man Syn: individual 2., person, human being 2., human 2., living being, living soul, soul, one 2., anyone, somebody 2., someone 2) в устойчивых сочетаниях обозначает: а) представитель профессии б) обладатель определенных качеств в) сл. "человек", торговец наркотиками • - advance man - enlisted men - maintenance man - man of character - man of ideas - man of law - man of letters - man of motley - man of no scruples - man of office - man of sense - man of the pen - newspaperman - second-story man - stunt man - university man 3) а) мужчина divorced man — разведенный человек married man — женатый человек single man — одинокий, неженатый человек The average man is taller than the average woman. — В среднем мужчины выше женщин. Syn: male, masculine person б) муж; возлюбленный The minister pronounced them man and wife. — Священник объявил их мужем и женой. Syn: married man, husband 1., spouse 1., lover в) разг. парень, мужик (просторечное обращение к лицу мужского пола) Syn: fellow 1., chap I 4) а) человеческий род, человечество Man cannot live by bread alone. — Не хлебом единым жив человек. Syn: mankind, the human race, men and women, human beings, humankind, people, humanity, homo sapiens б) разг. белое население (в противопоставление негритянскому) 5) а) слуга Hire a man to take care of the garden. — Найми садовника, который будет следить за садом. Syn: handyman, workman, hired hand, hand, labourer, employee, worker, manservant, male servant, boy, waiter б) зависимое лицо, вассал Syn: vassal 1. в) рабочий, наемный рабочий 6) мн. солдаты, рядовые; матросы 7) а) пешка, шашка, кость (компонент настольных игр) б) игрок (какой-л. команды) 8) выпускник или учащийся (какого-л. высшего учебного заведения) a Harvard man — выпускник Гарварда (Гарвардского университета) 9) рел. Бог, Господь, Сын Человеческий Syn: god 1. 10) разг. полиция When I heard the siren, I knew it was the Man. — Когда я услышал сирену, я знал, что это полиция. Syn: police 1. 11) почитатель, обожатель He was a vanilla ice-cream man. — Он был большим любителем ванильного мороженого. •• - be one's own man 2. гл. 1) а) укомплектовывать кадрами; воен., мор. укомплектовывать личным составом to man a fleet — укомплектовать флотилию личным составом б) размещать людей; ставить людей (к орудию и т. п.); сажать людей (на корабль и т. п.) в) занимать (позиции и т. п.); становиться (к орудиям и т. п.) The crew was ordered to man the lifeboats. — Команде было приказано занять места в шлюпке. • Syn: attend, staff II 3., take up one's position in, take one's place at, get to one's post, supply with hands, furnish with men, equip, fit out, outfit 2., garrison 2. 2) мужаться, брать себя в руки; собирать себя в кулак, концентрироваться He had manned himself to the sacrifice of his dearest hopes. (Mrs. C. Praed) — Он собрал всю силу воли, чтобы пожертвовать своими сокровенными надеждами. Syn: encourage, cheer up, brace 2. 3) охот. приручать This young hawk will soon be "manned". — Этого молодого сокола скоро приручат. Syn: accustom 4) уст., диал. управлять, руководить Syn: manage, rule 2.... смотреть


man: translationSynonyms and related words:Achilles, Adam, Adamite, Australanthropus, Australopithecus, Barbary ape, Casanova, Chiroptera, Cro-Magnon m... смотреть


man: translation man man [mæn] verb manned PTandPPX manning PRESPARTX [transitive] if a person or group mans a vehicle, place, ... смотреть


Man: translation   1) Heb. Adam, used as the proper name of the first man. The name is derived from a word meaning "to be red," and thus the first man ... смотреть


Man         (нем.) — неопределённо - личное местоимение. У Хайдеггера — мир безликого неистинного существования. Философский энциклопедический слов... смотреть


man I pron indef (не переводится) 1. употр. в роли подлежащего в неопределенно-личных и обобщенно-личных предложениях: man sagt — говорят man wird säg... смотреть


1) человек2) рабочий; работник- man and men- man up- man of business- man of family- man of property- administrative man- credit man- customers' man- e... смотреть


I -en (-a), -er гриваsette man — ерошить шерсть (о собаке) II pron является подлежащим неопределённо-личного предложения; отдельным словом не переводи... смотреть


1. n (pl men) 1) чоловік; мужчина; людина; а ~ of thirty тридцятилітній чоловік; а ~ of principle принципова людина; а ~ of sense розсудлива людина; а ~ of wisdom мудра людина; а ~ of genius геніальна людина; а ~ of honour порядна (чесна) людина; а ~ of note видатна людина; а ~ of his word людина слова, хазяїн свого слова; а ~ of means багата (заможна) людина; а ~ of business ділова людина; агент; повірений; а ~ of law юрист, адвокат; а ~ of letter письменник, літератор; а ~ of straw ненадійна людина; 2) (без артикля) людство, людський рід; 3) слуга; 4) робітник; this factory employs 300 men на цій фабриці працюють 300 робітників; 5) студент;, випускник; an Oxford ~ студент з Оксфорда; senior ~ старшокурсник; 6) приятель, друг; 7) солдат, рядовий; матрос; 8) пішак, шашка (у грі); 9) гравець (у спортивній команді); 10) іст. васал; ♦ if any ~ comes... якщо хтось прийде; ~ and wife чоловік і дружина; every ~ to his (own) taste прися. на любов і смак товариш не всяк; а drowning ~ will catch at a straw прися. і за соломинку вхопиться, хто топиться; а ~ is known by the company he keeps прися, скажи мені, хто твій друг, і я скажу, хто ти; 2. v 1) військ., мор. укомплектовувати особовим складом; 2) військ. зайняти (позицію); стати (до гармати); 3) мися. приручати (сокола тощо); 4): to ~ oneself мужатися, узяти себе в руки.... смотреть


1. management - управление; руководство; дирекция; администрация;2. manager - управляющий; руководитель;3. manual - инструкция; наставление; описание; ... смотреть


transcription, транскрипция: [ mæn ]man n 1. infml She was waiting for her man to come out of jail Она ждала, когда ее мужик выйдет из тюрьмы He's her ... смотреть


человек, рабочий || укомплектовывать рабочей силой* * * 1. рабочий 2. pl. обслуживающий персонал — field man — floor man — maintenance man — repair ma... смотреть


n 1. мужчина; человек; субъект общественных отношений;man operator - человек оператор; 2. pl человечество, человеческий род; 3. слуга; рабочий.* * *сущ... смотреть


I n 1) infml She was waiting for her man to come out of jail — Она ждала, когда ее мужик выйдет из тюрьмы He's her man — Это ее сожитель Please, Mr Jailer, won't you let my man go free — Выпусти, тюремщик, моего мужа из тюрьмы 2) sl See you, man — Пока, чувак Are you coming with us, man? — Ты с нами идешь, мужик? Wake up, man, you can't sleep all day — Вставай, чувак, нельзя же все время спать Hey, man, that one's mine! — Послушай, мужик, это мое Look, man, take it easy! — Послушай, чувиха, не надо расстраиваться II interj sl You can't do that, man! — Ты ведь не собираешься это делать, твою мать! Man, was I surprised! — Ну меня и удивили, бля! This is real great, man! — Вот это, в натуре, я понимаю! Man, is she ever plastered! — Ну она и напилась, в натуре! That band was swinging, man! — Как играл оркестр, ты не представляешь! Man, I tell you, how come you stand for it? — Я вас спрашиваю, вашу мать, как вы можете такое терпеть?... смотреть


{man:}1. мужчина en ung man--молодой человек{man:}2. работник mannen bakom verket--автор произведения{man:}3. муж min man är snickare--мой муж - плотни... смотреть


1. n(pl men)1) людина2) чоловік3) людство4) слуга5) робітник6) pl солдати; матроси7) пішак, шашка (у грі)man of letters - письменник, вченийman of cour... смотреть


1) мужчина; человек 2) слуга; служащий; рабочий 3) рядовой 4) истор. вассал5) укомплектовывать личным составом •man of the street and of market place —... смотреть


общ., канад. сокр. от Manitoba* * *изделие.manufacture.ВНЕШНЯЯ ЭКОНОМИКА - словарь сокращений.


Man: translationSynonyms and related words:American Indian, Amerind, Australian aborigine, Bushman, Caucasian, Indian, Malayan, Mister Charley, Mongoli... смотреть


Классно!; Отлично!; Круто! прош.вр. от man - mil. naut. укомплектовывать личным составом; занимать людьми; ставить людей (к орудию и т. п.); посадить людей (на корабль и др.) занять (позиции); стать (к орудиям и т. п.); подбодрять; to man oneself мужаться, брать себя в руки; hunt. приручать мужчина, человек; мужественный человек; матрос; муж; "малый", "кореш", "братан" любовник, приятель; слуга, рабочий; пешка, шашка; вассал; босс man after my own heart - человек, который мне нравится, похожий на меня .man - руководство... смотреть


второй компонент сложных слов, означающий профессию, деятельность, а также представителя этой профессии; при этом первый компонент может означать: 1) место, вид деятельности и т. п. barman — бармен bondsman — поручитель churchman — церковник 2) орудие производства brake-man — тормозной кондуктор hammer-man — кузнец penman — писатель; писец 3) изделие, продукт coal-man — углекоп; продавец угля ice-man — мороженщик milk-man — продавец молока; доильщик 4) область, сферу cancer-man — специалист по раковым заболеваниям... смотреть


1) людина; чоловік; мужня людина; васал; військ. рядовий (ім. ) 2) укомплектувати особовим складом • man of the street and of market place — пересічна ... смотреть


образует от глагольных основ имена существительные, обозначающие лицо, характеризующееся отношением к предмету, явлению, названному исходной основойsay... смотреть


-man [-mən]в сложных словах означает занятие, профессию; напр.:fisherman рыба́к;postman почтальо́н


рабочий; оператор- dead man- general duties man- planetable man- section man- top man- trowel man- tunneling manАнгло-русский строительный словарь. — М... смотреть


сущ.1) мужчина; человек; субъект общественных отношений;- man operator[/m]2) мн.ч. человечество, человеческий род;3) слуга; рабочий.- economic man[/m]-... смотреть


человек cave man первобытный человек Confins man конфинский человек Cro-Magnon man кроманьонец, кроманьонский человек Tzeyang man человек Цзыяна Liukia... смотреть


transcription, транскрипция: [ mæn ] человек ; рабочий ; укомплектовать командой (кадрами, личным составом) ; ~ man-assignment ; ~ man-density ; ~ man efficiency ; ~ man-hour ; ~ man-hour output ; ~ man-hours of work ; ~ man in charge ; ~ man-machine time ; ~ man-made ; ~ manning table ; ~ consolidated man table ; ~ mixed-maned ; ~ under maned ;... смотреть


nm. или nf. (pl. -nau) 1) место yn y fan yna в том месте, там ► man geni место рождения ► yn y man adv. скоро (букв. «на месте») haul gwyn gwan, glaw yn y man букв. «белое неяркое солнце — скоро будет дождь» (поговорка) fe gawn wybod hyd a lled y golled yn y man мы скоро узнаем весь масштаб потерь 2) пятно, пятнышко... смотреть


Рабочий; специалист- man of letter- case man- mag man- makeup man- odd man- repair man


ADMNTIUM - неуязвимость; GLANDS - бесконечная паутина; WEAKNESS - полное здоровье; LEANEST - открыть все; FANBOY - все комиксы; CINEMA - показать все клипы; SM LVIII - быстрая смена костюмов. Также для получения различных «шкурок» вводите: MRWATSON, KICK ME, XILRTRNS, SYNOPTIC, TRISNTNL, MIGUELOH, SECRTWAR, CLUBNOIR.... смотреть


man - Yanalif2 ман - Кириллица сущ.1) оторочка, кайма, каёмка 2) диал.оборка (например, занавески)


1) рабочий; оператор-станочник 2) обслуживать (напр. станок) • - chip tub man - crane man - fixture setup-and-lead man - foundry man - idle man - job preparation man - layout man - load/unload man - machine man - machine setup man - maintenance man - manufacturing man - material man - repair man - setup man - tool man... смотреть


1) рабочий; оператор-станочник 2) обслуживать (напр. станок) • - chip tub man- crane man- fixture setup-and-lead man- foundry man- idle man- job preparation man- layout man- load/unload man- machine man- machine setup man- maintenance man- manufacturing man- material man- repair man- setup man- tool man... смотреть


1) людина; чоловік; мужня людина; васал; військ. рядовий (ім. ) 2) укомплектувати особовим складом • man of the street and of market place — пересічна людина man-haterman-hatingman-in-possessionman in the dockman of distinguished valorman of distinguished valourman of lawman of principleman of straw... смотреть


[ʹmæn] n геогр.Isle of Man - остров Мэн


• 1) /vt/ укомплектовывать ... рабочей силой; 2) /in passive/ укомплектованный рабочей силой • 1) рабочий; 2) человек; 3) человек


man: translation [Swahili Word] man [English Word] unit of weight (three pounds or 1.4 kg.) [Part of Speech] noun--------------------------------------... смотреть


человек ; рабочий ; укомплектовать командой (кадрами, личным составом) ; ? man-assignment ; ? man-density ; ? man efficiency ; ? man-hour ; ? man-hour output ; ? man-hours of work ; ? man in charge ; ? man-machine time ; ? man-made ; ? manning table ; ? <br>... смотреть


man: translationwho [Sem m-y, Mal min, Akk mannu, Heb mi, Syr man, JNA man, Hrs mon, Amh man, Tig men, Uga mn] Per man borrowed from Ar


man: translationor[the man] {n.}, {slang} 1. The police; a policeman. * /I am gonna turn you in to the man./ 2. The boss; the leader; the most imp... смотреть


1) мужчина2) человек– maintenance man– tool manroentgen equivalent man — &LT;engin.&GT; бэр, эквивалент рентгена биологический


transcription, транскрипция: [ mæn ] n. (обращение) братан, парень, приятель. n. братан, парень, приятель: Разговаривают два старых хиппаря: - Hi, man. How are yah, man! - Cool, man. Andyou man? - Great man. Тут, думаю, и перевод не нужен.... смотреть


Man: übersetzungMan, Gewicht in Persien und ganz Zentralasien. 1 Man (Män, Mön, Maund) = 40 Sir, 1 Sir = 16 Viskal. Die Größe des Man ist sehr verschie... смотреть


man: translation1) a pile of rocks or pinnacle lined up with another land feature in order to locate a fishing ground (Newfoundland). See also mark 2) ... смотреть


{ʹmæn} n геогр. Isle of ~ - остров Мэн


сокр. от metropolitan area network - региональная (вычислительная) сеть; городская вычислительная сеть (сеть, промежуточная по масштабу между локальной и глобальной ) II сокр. от medium area network - зональная сеть... смотреть


I metropolitan area network региональная (вычислительная) сеть; городская вычислительная сеть ( сеть, промежуточная по масштабу между локальной и глобальной ) II medium area network зональная сеть... смотреть


n -s(остров) Мэн




сокр. от metropolitan area networkобщегородская сеть


(Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg) Объединённые машиностроительные заводы Аугсбурга и Нюрнберга


мужчина, человек game of odd man out — игра лишний уходи roentgen equivalent man — машиностр. бэр, эквивалент рентгена биологический - maintenance man - tool man... смотреть


человек (Homo sapiens)* * *человек


m хрущ, личинка майского жука


n. мужчина, человек; мужественный человек; матрос; муж; любовник, приятель; слуга, рабочий; пешка, шашка; вассал; босс


в соч.- machine man - maintenance man- repair man


человек; работник - ad man - layout man - ordinary intelligent man - PR man - promotion man - trained man


f- a man salva


{ma:n̬} I. n mans 1) раб 2) поэт. дева II. n mans подстрекательство III. praes sg ind от muna


mænукомплектовать командой (up), рабочей силой


Укомлектовывать личным составом


n (sl) 1. ухажер 2. любовник 3. муж v (low obs) совокупляться с женщиной


Man [ʹmæn] n геогр. Isle of ~ - остров Мэн


mхрущ, личинка майского жука


Рабочий; специалист. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.


v. укомплектовывать личным составом; занять, стать к орудиям


metropolitan area network, общегородская сеть(комп. аббрев.)


1) рабочий || укомплектовывать рабочей силой 2) оператор


(-) см. mani


укомплектовывать личным составом; нижний чин (воен.)


— line man




n людина; чоловік- rights of ~ права людини


Чоловік, муж, подружжя


людина, боєць, грач, пішак, гравець, слуга


мужчина; человек; муж, супруг; единодушно


Мужчина, муж, человек, некто /безличн./


• вассал• ленник




чувак, "малый", "кореш", "братан".


див. «Metropolitan-Area Network»




Він, вона


Він, вона


- metropolitan area network


Классно!; Отлично!; Круто!


дамский угодник, человек


M. ManiliusI н. э.


(n) мужчина; человек


запрещение, запрёт


no man's land


сущ. о-в Мэн


він, вона

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