Accident: translation

The obvious division of things into the stable and the unstable

Catholic Encyclopedia..2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Accident
    [Latin accidere, to happen what happens to be in a subject; any contingent, or nonessential attribute].
    I. The obvious division of things into the stable and the unstable, the more or less independently subsistent and the dependent, or essentially inherent, appears beset with obscurity and difficulty as soon as it is brought under reflective consideration. In their endeavour to solve the problem, philosophers have followed two extreme tendencies. Some have denied the objectivity of the substantial or noumenal element, and attributed it wholly or in part to the mind; others have made the phenomenal or accidental element subjective, and accorded objectivity to substance alone. These two extreme tendencies are represented among the ancient Greek materialists and atomists on the one hand and the Eleatic pantheists on the other. Aristotle and his medieval followers steer a middle course.They hold to the objectivity both of substance and of accident, though they recognize the subjective factor in the mode of perception. They use the term accident to designate any contingent (i.e. nonessential) relation between an attribute and its subject. As such it is a merely logical denomination, one of the five predicables or universals, modes of systematic classification genus, difference, species, property, accident. In this sense it is called predicable, as distinguished from predicamental, accident, the latter term standing for a real objective form or status of things, and denoting a being whose essential nature it is to inhere in another as in a subject. Accident thus implies inexistence in substance i.e. not as the contained in the container, not as part in the whole, not as a being in time or place, not as effect in cause, not as the known in the knower; but as an inherent entity or mode in a subject which it determines. Accidents modify or denominate their subject in various ways, and to these correspond the nine "Categories":
    ♦ quantity, in virtue whereof material substance has integrant, positional parts, divisibility, location, impenetrability, etc.;
    ♦ quality, which modifies substance immediately and intrinsically, either statically or dynamically, and includes such inherents of substance as habit, faculty, sense-stimuli, and figure or shape;
    ♦ relation, the bearing of one substance on another (e.g. paternity). These three groups are called intrinsic accidents, to distinguish them from the remaining six groups — action, passion, location, duration, position, habiliment — which, as their names sufficiently suggest, are simply extrinsic denominations accruing to a substance because of its bearings on some other substance. Quantity and quality, and, in a restricted sense. relation are said to be absolute accidents, because they are held to superadd some special form of being to the substance wherein they reside. For this reason a real, and not a merely conceptual, distinction between them and their subject is maintained. Arguments for the physical reality of this distinction are drawn from experience
    ♦ internal-consciousness attesting that the permanent, substantial self is subject to constantly-shifting accidental states — and
    ♦ external experience, which witnesses to a like permanence of things beneath the incessantly varying phenomena of nature. The supernatural order also furnishes an argument in the theology of the infused virtues which are habits supervening on, and hence really distinct from, the substance of the natural mind.
    II. With the reaction against scholasticism, led on by Descartes, a new theory of the accident is devised, or rather the two extreme views of the Greeks referred to above are revived. Descartes, making quantity the very essence of matter, and thought the essence of spirit, denies all real distinction between substance and accident. While teaching an extreme dualism in psychology, his definition of substance, as independent being, gave occasion to Spinoza's monism, and accidents became still more deeply buried in substance. On the other hand substance seems at last to disappear with Locke, the world is resolved into a congeries of qualities (primary, or extension, and secondary, or sensible properties). The primary qualities, however, still retain a foundation in the objective order, but with Berkeley they become entirely subjectified; only the soul is allowed a substantial element as the support of psychical accidents. This element is likewise dissolved in the philosophy of Hume and the Associationists. Kant considered accidents to be simply subjective categories of sense and intellect, forms according to which the mind apprehends and judges of things — which things are, and must remain, unknowable. Spencer retains Kant's unknowable noumenon but admits phenomena to be its objective aspects or modifications.
    III. Several other classifications of accidents are found in the pertinent treatises. It should be noted that while accidents by inhesion modify substance, they are witnesses to its nature, being the medium whereby the mind, through a process of abstraction and inference, builds its analogical concepts of the constitution of substances. From this point of view material accidents are classed as
    ♦ proper sensibles — the excitants of the individual senses, colour for sight, sound for hearing, etc. — and
    ♦ common sensibles — extension and its modes, size, distance, etc. — which stimulate two or more senses, especially touch and sight. Through these two groups of accidents, and concomitantly with their perception, the underlying subject is apperceived. Substance in its concrete existence, not in its abstract essence, is said to be an accidental object of sense.
    IV. The modern views of accident, so far as they accord to it any objectivity, are based on the physical theory that all, at least material, phenomena (light, colour, heat, sound, etc.) are simply varying forms of motion. In part, the kinetic element in such phenomena was known to Aristotle and the Scholastics (cf. St. Thomas, De Anima, III, Lect. ii); but it is only in recent times that physical experimentation has thrown light on the correlation of material phenomena as conditioned by degrees of motion. While all Neo-Scholastic philosophers maintain that motion alone will not explain the objectivity of extension, some (e.g. Gutberlet) admit that it accounts for the sensible qualities (colour, sound, etc.). Haan (Philos. Nat.) frees the theory of motion from an extreme idealism, but holds that the theory of the real, formal objectivity of those qualities affords a more satisfactory explanation of sense-perception. The majority of Neo-Scholastic writers favour this latter view. (Pesch, Phil. Nat.)
    V. The teaching of Catholic philosophy on the distinct reality of certain absolute, not purely modal, accidents was occasioned by the doctrine of the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, though the arguments for the theory are deduced from natural experience. The same doctrine, however, suggests the further question, whether such accidents may not be separable from substance. Reason alone offers no positive arguments for such separability. The most it can do is to show that separability involves no inherent contradiction, and hence no absolute impossibility; the Omnipotence that endows substance with the power of supporting accidents can, it is claimed, supply some other means of support. Nor would the accidents thus separated, and supernaturally supported, lose their character as accidents, since they would still retain their essential property, i.e. natural exigence of inhesion. Of course the intrinsic possibility of such separation depends solely on the supernatural interference of God, nor may it extend to all classes of accidents. Thus, e.g., it is absolutely impossible for vital faculties, or acts, to exist outside their natural subjects, or principles. Theorists who, like the Cartesians, deny the objective, distinct entity of all accidents have been obliged to reconcile this negation with their belief in the Real Presence by maintaining that the species, or accidents, of bread and wine do not really remain in the Eucharist, but that after Consecration God produces on our senses the impressions corresponding to the natural phenomena. This theory obviously demands a seemingly unnecessary multiplication of Miracles and has at present few if any serious advocates. (See EUCHARIST.)
    JOHN RICKABY, General Metaphysics (New York, 1900); MIVART, On Truth (London, 1899); McCosh, First Truths (New York, 1894); MERCIER, Ontologie; NYS, Cosmologie (I.ouvain, 1903), GUTBERLET, Naturphilosophie, and Ontologie (Munster, 1894); PESCH, Philosophia Naturalis (Freiburg, 1897).

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company..1910.

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Смотреть что такое ACCIDENT в других словарях:


[`æksɪd(ə)nt]несчастный случай; катастрофа; аварияслучай; случайностьнеровность поверхности, складкаслучайное свойство


accident: translation noun 1 unexpected event that causes damage/injuryADJECTIVE ▪ bad, dreadful (esp. BrE), horrible, horrific (esp. BrE), major, nas... смотреть


[ʹæksıd(ə)nt] n1. несчастный случай; катастрофа; аварияrailway [motor /motoring/] accident - железнодорожная [автомобильная] катастрофаfatal accident -... смотреть


сущ.1) общ. несчастный случай; катастрофа, авария; крушение1train accident — крушение поезда, железнодорожная катастрофа1road [traffic, automobile, car... смотреть


accident [ˊæksɪdǝnt] n 1) слу́чай; случа́йность; by accident случа́йно, неча́янно;by a lucky accident по счастли́вой случа́йности 2) несча́стный слу́ч... смотреть


{ʹæksıd(ə)nt} n 1. несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария railway {motor /motoring/} ~ - железнодорожная {автомобильная} катастрофа fatal ~ - несчаст... смотреть


m1) несчастный случай; авария; повреждение, происшествие accident du travail — несчастный случай на производстве; производственная травмаaccident de ci... смотреть


n1) авіаційна пригода2) аварія, нещасний випадок; серйозне пошкодження3) катастрофа◊prior to an accident — до (авіаційної) пригодиrelating to an accide... смотреть


сущ. 1) несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария to have an accident — потерпеть аварию, крушение; попасть в катастрофу to meet with an accident — потерпеть аварию, крушение; попасть в катастрофу awful, bad, dreadful, frightful, horrible, shocking accident — ужасная, тяжелая авария, страшная катастрофа an accident occurs, takes place — происходит несчастный случай She was involved in serious car accident last week. — Она попала в серьезную автокатастрофу на прошлой неделе. - road traffic accidents - traffic accidents - automobile accident - cardiovascular accident - cerebral accident - cerebrovascular accident - factory accident - fatal accident - hit-and-run accident - home accident - hunting accident - industrial accident - motorcar accident - pedestrian accident - professional accident - railway accident - road accidents - serious accident - train accident - unavoidable accident 2) случай; случайность by accident — случайно, нечаянно by a lucky accident — по счастливой случайности pure accident — чистая случайность sheer accident — чистая случайность accident measures воен. — меры предупреждения случайностей We discovered it by accident. — Мы обнаружили это случайно. It was by pure accident that we found the money. — Мы нашли деньги по чистой случайности. It was pure accident that we met. — Мы встретились по чистой случайности. The police say the killing of the young man was an accident. — Полиция утверждает, что убийство молодого человека является случайностью. 3) астр.; геол. неровность поверхности, складка 4) лог. случайное свойство •• accidents will happen (in the best regulated families) — в семье не без урода; скандал в благородном семействе... смотреть


nнесчастный случай; катастрофа; аварияto be in an / to have an accident — стать жертвой несчастного случая; попасть в авариюto insure against accident ... смотреть


(авиационное) происшествиеaccident to an aircraft — происшествие с воздушным судномprior to an accident — до происшествияrelating to an accident — отно... смотреть


accident: übersetzungaksidɑ̃m1) Zufall m 2) (incident) Unfall m avoir un accident — verunglückenaccident du travail — Arbeitsunfall maccident de voitur... смотреть


accident [ʹæksıd(ə)nt] n 1. несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария railway [motor /motoring/] ~ - железнодорожная [автомобильная] катастрофа fatal ~ -... смотреть


m 1) несчастный случай; авария; повреждение, происшествие accident du travail — несчастный случай на производстве; производственная травма accident de... смотреть


авария; крушение; поломка; повреждение; несчастный случай* * * 1. авария; поломка; повреждение 2. несчастный случай — fatal accident — human-error acc... смотреть


(несчастный) случайaccident insured against — страховой случай- alcohol-related accident- arranged accident- automobile accident- auto accident- aviati... смотреть


accident: translationSynonyms and related words:accessary, accessory, accidental, addendum, addition, adjunct, adventure, appendage, appurtenance, auxi... смотреть


нещасний випадок, аварія, (авто)пригода, катастрофа; випадок, випадковість, побічна обставина accident insurance contribution — внесок на страхування ... смотреть


n 1. инцидент; несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария;2.accident insurance - страхование от несчастных случаев; 3. случай, случайность; 4. акциденция; н... смотреть


1. n1) випадок; випадковість; несподіванка- by accident2) нещасливий випадок; аварія; катастрофаto meet with an accident - зазнати аваріїrailway accid... смотреть


1.   несчастный случай; дорожно-транспортное происшествие 2.   складка, неровность (местности)accident at work — несчастный случай при производстве ра... смотреть


нещасний випадок, аварія, (авто)пригода, катастрофа; випадок, випадковість, побічна обставина accident insurance contribution — внесок на страхування від нещасного випадку accident on way to or from work — нещасний випадок по дорозі на роботу або з роботи accident at workaccident benefitaccident causeaccident claimaccident compensationaccident fraudaccident frequency rateaccident hospitalaccident indemnityaccident insuranceaccident insured againstaccident investigationaccident investigatoraccident lawyeraccident measuresaccident officeaccident preventativesaccident preventionaccident-proneaccident-prone personaccident rateaccident recordaccident reportaccident riskaccident sceneaccident supplementaccident to conveyanceaccident victim... смотреть


accident: übersetzungaccident 1. Unglück m, Unfall m; 2. Zufall m, zufällige Eigenschaft f, Nebensache f • by accident zufällig


n 1) випадок; випадковість; несподіванка; by ~ випадково, ненароком; 2) нещасний випадок, аварія, катастрофа; to meet with (to have) an ~ зазнати аварії, потрапити в аварію; railway (motor) ~ залізнична (автомобільна) аварія; industrial ~ нещасний випадок на підприємстві; fatal ~ нещасний (смертельний) випадок; 3) лог. побічна обставина; 4) геогр. нерівність поверхні, складка; ♦ ~ insurance страхування від нещасних випадків; ~ prevention техніка безпеки; запобігання нещасним випадкам; ~ rate амер. коефіцієнт промислового травматизму; ~s will happen in the best regulated families присл. у сім'ї не без виродка.... смотреть


Несчастный случай; авария- compensable accident- fatal accident- industrial accident- noncompensable accident- nonfatal accident- occupational accident... смотреть


m несчастный случай; происшествие, авария accident aérienaccident d'automobileaccident d'aviationaccident de chasseaccident de chemin de feraccident de la circulation routièreaccident de la circulationaccident corporelaccident de droit communaccident électriqueaccident d'exploitationaccident graveaccident matérielaccident de meraccident mortelaccident mortel du travailaccident en permissionaccident professionnelaccident de la routeaccident routieraccident de trajetaccident du travailaccident de voiture... смотреть


accident: translationIn Aristotelian metaphysics an accident is a property of a thing which is no part of the essence of the thing: something it could ... смотреть


Accident: translationA medieval philosophic concept indicating the material body of an object, as distinct from its essence (referred to as 'substance'... смотреть


несчастный случай, осложнение, поломка, выход из строя anaphylactic accident — анафилактический шок serum accident — анафилактический шок


• Adjuster's concern • Chance happening • Event preceding trip to body shop • Fender bender, e.g. • Fluke • Insured event • Mischance • Mishap • Unfor... смотреть


te s. n. 1. авария /., повреждение п., помеха/. 2. несчастный случай:происшествие n.; accident de cale ferată — железнодорожная катастрофа;accident de muncă — несчастный случай на производстве; accident de circulaţie несчастный случай во время уличного движения. 3. неровность /., пересечённость/.; accident de teren неровности почвы. 4. ( muz.) — знак альтернации.... смотреть


transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈæksɪdənt ] несчастный случай ; травма ; случайность ; авария ; повреждение ; катастрофа ; ~ accident experience ; ~ accident free ; ~ accident frequency rate ; ~ accident insurance ; ~ accident prevention ; ~ accident preventatives ; ~ accident rate ; ~ accident risk ; ~ accident severity rate ; ~ accident statistics ;... смотреть


сущ.1) инцидент; несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария;- accident insurance[/m]2) случай, случайность;3) акциденция; несущественное или неглавное качес... смотреть


авария; несчастный случай- compensable accident- fatal accident- highway accident- major accident- pedestrian accident- rollover accident- skidding acc... смотреть


несчастный случай ; травма ; случайность ; авария ; повреждение ; катастрофа ; ? accident experience ; ? accident free ; ? accident frequency rate ; ? accident insurance ; ? accident prevention ; ? accident preventatives ; ? accident rate ; ? accident ri<br>... смотреть


m c'est bête comme un accident — см. c'est bête comme un fait accident de chemin de fer accident de parcours faire un accident il va t'arriver un accident t'as eu un accident de poussette? en cas d'accident figure d'accident accident de parcours... смотреть


mавария; повреждение- accident de cémentation- accident d'insertion de réactivité- accident mécanique- accident nucléaire


• Accidents /will/ happen in the best of families – Под каждой крышей свои мыши (n)• Accidents will happen in the best regulated families - Под каждой ... смотреть


1) авария; повреждение 2) поломка 3) несчастный случай (с работающим) • - criticality accident - design basis accident - occupational accident - servodrive-related accident - severe accident... смотреть


1) авария; повреждение 2) поломка 3) несчастный случай (с работающим) • - criticality accident- design basis accident- occupational accident- servodrive-related accident- severe accident... смотреть


1) авария2) крушение3) несчастный4) нечаянность5) несчастный случай– accident rate– ground accident– in-flight accident– survive an accident


мед.сущ. авария; случайность аварийный * * * акцидентный, несчастный случай, случай, травма Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


(чрезвычайное) происшествие; авария


n. несчастный случай, авария, катастрофа; случайность, случай, случайное свойство; неровность поверхности, складка


авария (событие), несчастный случай


Випадоквипадковістьнещасний випадок (аварія)


авария случайность аварийный accident waiting to happen - угроза, опасность несчастного случая, аварии


m 1) авария; повреждение 2) брак; дефект 3) несчастный случай • accident d'intolérance


случайность, случайный процесс climatic accident климатическое отклонение


1) авария; крушение 2) несчастный случай • - ground accident - in-flight accident


случайность; несчастный случай


См. Авария Термины атомной энергетики. - Концерн Росэнергоатом,2010


авария, несчастный случай, происшествие


(чрезвычайное) происшествие; авария; несчастный случай (воен.)


случай, несподіванка, ненавмисно, складка, аварія




випадоквипадковість нещасний випадок (аварія)


авария, несчастный случай


(n) авария; несчастный случай; случай


1) авария 2) несчастный случай




случайность; случай


несчастный случай


несчастный случай


n випадковість

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